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What is PlayStation Stars Everything is a curse

What is PlayStation Stars
What is PlayStation Stars

What is PlayStation Stars It is a free testing service that will be launched in 2022. It has been added to the section on some playstation.com sites, including the US account, but you can’t register now. Sony is working on this new project that will make users of the PlayStation 4 and 5 more interactive with the player, which achieves virtual and material gains and prizes such as money to buy games and points in addition to PlayStation Plus subscribers. The launch of the PlayStation Star service is expected to be delayed in some countries, but it will work in all countries of the world for sure.

What is PlayStation Stars:

PlayStation Stars is to complete a set of campaigns and activities, members can get rewards. To get points and credit, you must fulfill these conditions. All you have to do is play any game as part of the “Monthly Login” program to earn rewards. Other quests might ask you to take first place in competitions, get certain prizes, or even become the first person in your time zone to win Platinum for a popular game.

Points Accumulation There will be opportunities for PlayStation Stars members to accumulate loyalty points. Points can be redeemed for a variety of things, including PSN wallet money and certain PlayStation Stars merchandise, from a catalog. In addition, PlayStation Plus subscribers who subscribe to PlayStation Stars instantly earn points for any purchases made in the PlayStation Store.

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An entirely new category of rewards called “Digital Collectibles” will be available on PlayStation Stars. They’re digital representations of everything PlayStation fans love, like cherished gadgets that build on Sony’s heritage of innovation and figurines of famous and iconic characters from games and other types of entertainment.

With that, the acquired digital collectibles will get points in return for them and do not disappear, as well as these collectibles will be for viewing between PlayStation users and friends.

How to subscribe to PlayStation Stars:

All you have to do is wait for it to be available this year and you can later register on their site playstation.com, or from the application and it may be available on PlayStation devices and it will be the easiest.